Within the framework of the fast and deep change facing global economy, environmental scanning\r\nbecomes a main driver for competitiveness. It''s an information system directed to the outside\r\nenvironment of the company which plays the role of an intelligent observer who continuously\r\nseeks to supply the managers with useful information for their strategic actions. The creation of a\r\ndevice dedicated to this end becomes nowadays an urgent need; however it is far from being easy\r\nto realize. It is a heavy process which can only develop within the framework of a collective\r\nlearning, registered in a process of knowledge management.\r\nThe survey has shown that in spite of the awareness of the importance of this practice, this activity\r\nremains punctual, unstructured, and especially related to the person of the manager who is\r\nessentially based on his own relational network.\r\nAccustomed to quazi-monopoly of power, the manager remains unmotivated for the idea of making\r\nhis subordinates participate. This would lead us to deduct that the main obstacle facing the\r\ndevelopment of this practice is cultural, related to the values and the convictions which the\r\nmanager shares with his employees. Indeed, environmental scanning is primarily a state of mind\r\nand an attitude before being a means and it is up to managers to know how to mobilize the staff so\r\nthat they adhere to this behaviour.